It's essential to have several options to get out of a room in case of fire. A foldable escape ladder is an ideal way to create an extra escape route!
This folding escape ladder is designed for single use. After use in a situation with effective fire, its carrying capacity can no longer be guaranteed because heat or flames may have affected the strength of the ropes. For safety, the ladder should be replaced after use.
The ATV escape ladder is available in sizes from 5 to 20 meters. They allow to bridge 5 floors and are suitable for windowsills up to 38cm.
Available in following sizes:
- ATV Escape ladder 7 meters: 2 floors, weight 7,5kg
- ATV Escape ladder 10 meters: 3 floors, weight 8,9kg
- ATV Escape ladder 16 meters: 4 floors, weight 12,5kg
- ATV Escape ladder 20 meters: 5 floors, weight 16kg
- Suitable for rooms from first to fifth floor
- Length: 7 meters to 20 meters
- Width: 30cm
- Carrying weight: up to 450kg
- Propeline sling
- Profiled laddersports
- Spacers to stabilize the ladder
- Easy to store
- Suitable for windowsills or window frames up to 38cm
- Not uitable for roof windows
- Suitable for single use, after use the escape ladder should be replaced
- Instructions in Dutch, German and English